Step 7:
Every web page should contain links to other web pages or web services.
This increases a) the interactivity of a web page and b)
its functionality. In this exercise you will create both
a link to another web page and an email link.
Linking to another web page on the WWW:
If you want to create a hyperlink from your web page to
another web page on the WWW, e.g. to the IMC homepage, the html
code looks as follows:
href="http://URL" target="blank">hyperlink
text</a> |
a stands for anchor, href for hyper reference. URL
is the Uniform Resource Locator of a website, commonly known as
the web address, e.g. The target attribute indicates
that the web page opens in a blank (i.e. new) browser window if
a user clicks on the link.
The hyperlink text should be meaningful for the reader of
the web page. It can either be the web address or the name of the
institution, in this case 'IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems'.
Adding an email link to your web page:
If you add an email link to your web page, visitors to your
web page can directly send an email to your from their email editor.
The html code for an email link looks as follows:
address</a> |
Write your email address right after the colon, for example:
<a href=""></a>
- Open your index.html file in your text editor.
- At the end of your resume text (i.e. before the </font>
tag) add:
IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems
Email me
- Create a hyperlink from 'IMC University of Applied
Sciences, Krems' to the IMC homepage.
- Create an email link from 'Email me' to your IMC email
- Your web page should now look like this example.
- If your links do not work, check the syntax of your web page
and compare it with my example.
- You have now successfully completed this tutorial and created
a simple web page. Congratulations!
- Email me
your folder 'My Resume' (as zip-file) as an attachment.
Your opinion is important:
Please send me a short email
and tell me what you think of this tutorial, e.g. was it useful,
was it easy to use or not, how long did it take you to complete
it, were the instructions clear, do you think eLearning modules
should be used more often to support courses etc.?
The goal of this eLearning tutorial was to make you familiar
with the basics of creating a web page with html tags. You will
have also realised that creating a web page with plain html is hard
work and even if you work with so-called WYSIWYG-editors (WYSIWYG
= what you see is what you
get) it is a long-lasting task since you have to focus on
content as well as on design. Hence, content of professional websites
is nowadays maintained with Content Management Systems.
If you are interested in more on html, check out the resources
page of this tutorial.